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Healthy U Lifestyle Program

Each day offers an exciting opportunity to evaluate your present wellness state and make plans to start anew. But where should you begin and what should you do to bring your goals to fruition? Whether you’re actively traveling along a healthy lifestyle path or looking to jump-start your fitness goals  - Urban Wellness Group provides mobile health education programs to help you make the first of many steps.

Host a four-week transformational program for your company or organization - with workshops designed to help you manage stress, learn the benefits of an effective exercise program at any age, obtain industry strategies to manage your weight, and ways to eat right for life.

Your Healthy U program includes the following health education workshops:

Eat Right for Life

Understand the basics on developing a personal nutrition plan while learning about the functions and benefits of healthy proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Fitness Foundations

We’ll dispel popular fitness myths and provide educational tips & tools to help you develop an exercise plan that’s safe and appropriate for you.

Managing Stress in a Busy World

Stress has been linked to major chronic diseases. Learn how to assess your lifestyle risks and create an action plan to help keep stress at bay.

Drop the Weight

Stop the “yo-yo” madness and learn how to identify your weight-loss challenges and barriers while creating smart goals that can be achieved this year.

For more information or to register, please email