Urban Wellness Group - Health Education

Eat Right For Life

Eat Right for life is an interactive nutrition workshop designed for adults and families. Whether you’re looking to lose weight or revamp your current lifestyle program through nutrition, this workshop is packed with tips and information to help you make healthy nutrition choices that will last a lifetime.

Topical Overview: macronutrient overview (carbohydrates, protein, and fat), food groups, and nutrition labels.

Fitness 101

Are you ready to begin an exercise or wellness program but you don’t know where to begin? Healthy Living 101 introduces participants to the fundamentals of exercise designed to help you meet your goals safely and effectively.

Topical Overview: Chronic diseases associated with inactivity, personal program planning for aerobic conditioning, strength training, and flexibility.

Stable Steps: Fall Prevention for Older Adults

Inactive older adults are at an increased risk of falls which could cause debilitating injuries and even death. Stable Steps is a three part workshop series designed to provide older adults and their caregivers a user-friendly plan to help minimize their risk of falls.

Topical Overview: Health, behavioral and environmental fall risk factors.

For more information or to schedule an Urban Wellness Group

Health Education Program, please contact info@urbanwellnessgroup.org


Health Education

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